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Download latest OmegaT+ (1.0.M3.1)

See OmegaT+ page and the OmegaT+ User Guide for more details on the application.


OmegaT+, a computer-assisted translation tool, has many of the good features that users expect in a translation tool (translation memory, full and partial matches, glossary function, search engine, support for various document types, translation projects) presented in a straight forward manner that is simple and easy to use.

Status: OmegaT+ 1.0 is in development

Development version 1.0.M3 is available. This is the third in a series of milestones that will culminate in a much improved translation tool. This version has been tested over a long period of time on real translation jobs. Some features are still missing, but it has proven to be reliable and more work is in progress.

Development version M3.1 is in progress. Minimal improvements to expect before M4 are: spell checking. More later...

OmegaT+ 1.0 (stable) will include many new and improved features. The current development version already has a new user interface, sentence segmentation, and other expected functionality. A large effort is being put into revamping the underlying software architecture due to poor design from the legacy code. This will ensure that the application is more reliable, robust, and ready for future enhancements. Specific features and enhancements will be announced as the project proceeds.


The documentation for the application will be made available through this site for convenience. Currently available,

OmegaT+ User Guide:

OmegaT+ Localization Guide - guide for those localizing OmegaT+ into different locales (language/country).


Please note that a Java Runtime Environment(JRE) is needed in order to use OmegaT+. This can be obtained from this project or separately from Sun Microsystems or other vendors. Please use a recent version. Check the OmegaT+ User Guide (accessible from this page) for details on installation. Mac OS X users already have a JRE installed by default.

For those doing or interested in software development in Java, a Java Software Development Kit(JDK) can also be used (has a JRE in it already).


Documentation & Localization

Thanks go to all the contributors that were kind enough to give their time and effort to the OmegaT+ project.


Christian Rocher - code contribution (SCM filtering)

Rhythmous Systems, Raymond Martin,
- project management, software development, English localization and documentation

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